Course Includes
- 9 online modules with video support
- Comprehensive ecourse book
- Coach's Tool Box(Intake form, Sample client contracts, Marketing templates, Checklists)
- Private Facebook Group
- Live Role Play & Practice Coaching
- Special Office Hours & Webcasts
- 90 days of marketing support(Including Newsletter, Online Quiz, & Guides)
Program Overview
The CPRC designation provides the most ground breaking and innovating course work, coupled with time-tested and proven methods for helping people make a successful transition from work-life to home life.
Our goal is to challenge the status quo of traditional retirement planning by eliminating old and outdated beliefs and practices through innovative tools, training, and resources that move the non-financial aspects of retirement into the forefront of the planning process.
This program puts you a step above the rest because it:
- Delivers knowledge, experience, & confidence
- Turns you into a baby boomer and retirement expert
- Teaches you how to be a coach
- Offers you flexible, self-paced, and live learning
- Carries credibility with more CE approvals than any other program
- Helps you launch your business
- Makes you the go-to expert
Massive Need And Opportunity For Coaches Like You!
Following the completion of this module, you will be able to define and explain the role of a retirement coach, identify key attributes of Baby Boomers as they transition into retirement, and gain an understanding of the history of retirement and why "retirement" as we know it, needs a new definition.
Course Overview
Module 1:
The Massive Need & Opportunity For Coaches Like You
Module 2:
The Heart And Science Of Human Flourishing In Retirement
Module 3:
Developing Coaching Skills And Real Life Applications For Getting Results
Module 4:
Redefining Retirement In A More Personal & Meaningfull Way
Module 5:
Cultivating Positive Thoughts And Feelings About Retirement
Module 6:
Helping Clients Stay Relevant And Connected In Retirement
Module 7:
Changing Retirement Wealth From Dollars And Cents Into Health
Module 8:
Simple Approaches To Helping Clients Become More Financially Savvy
Module 9:
Connecting The Dots For Clients & Advanced Coaching Concepts
Download a copy of
"The Real Retirement Crisis"
Retirement is one of the mose sought after phases of life, but it's also one of the least understood and most traumatic changes that people undertake in life. This is the real retirement crisis because if new retirees don't have a plan to address the mental, social, and physical aspects of retirement they can struggle with their transition and waste some of their best years trying to figure it out!
Find these answers in our FAQ section
- Is there a payment plan?
- Is there a money-back guarantee?
- Are there any ongoing costs?
- Are Continuing Education credits required?
- Will my organization accept this training?
- Can I file a complaint against a coach?
Continuing Education
With four industry leading Continuing Education partners, the CPRC is one of the most respected and accepted.
- 28 CFP CE Credits
- 28 IMCA CE Credits
- 30 ICE CCE Credits (30 core & 12.5 Resource)
- 32 SHRM PDC's
- Listed on FINRA website

What Others Are Saying
"Spot-on for Baby Boomers, with the raw truth that exists for so many."
~Steven S.
"I learned a lot about the evolution of the concept of retirement, and increased my knowledge about the "dark side" - which is so important when educating others.
~Donna M.
"The most impactful thing I experienced is the realization that for most retirees their identity and self-worth are tied tightly to their work... they have very little insight into what they will need to do or what is involved."
~Dale C.